Page name: The Alliance of Elven Swords [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-16 03:31:54
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Alliance of Elven Swords

This wiki is the hub of the Elven Alliance. This is not an RP.

For those of you who don't know about the Alliance, or aren't members, most of the Alliance members all have stories for their characters (they may not be up-to-date, readable, well written, ad nauseam) that are written from the author's point of view. There for the different stories are interesting when the characters meet, b/c you can read it from different character's points of view and that's cool... yea.... ^^

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the time line of the Alliance stories has changed. Me and my Muse have talked (no really, we did, on MSN.) and we decided it would be easier, and a much cleaner time line to go by. this will not effect too much in the stories (as few of you have gotten very far in your stories) but i expect you all to change accordingly. if you have any questions contact me. Thank you
-[Celeste of Darksword]

They are stories, so if your a writer and have a good idea please talk to us (or just do it and then ask about it)!




[Celeste of Darksword] - I'm the Original author, talk to me if you wanna join. the main story line is REALLY full...but talk to me anyway! we can make more than one story line!

[Ryo-oki] - Is said to be the authors muse that she is authors Muse gets prime second spot

[Dulce Vita] - <---I only gave him the third spot because he owns the page...

[Alleria] - LOOK! I AM higher on the food chain!

[Apollo of Crowingblade] - Sweet, number 5 at last. I'd like to thank myself, for not having a job and having extra time!

[Ceres of Laedun] - Hey I'm Lizzie.I'm not the best writer but the sarcasm makes up for it.Ceres is my character.If you want to here about her you gotta read her story since she doesn't come into the Alliance alot.She's one part wood elf one part faerie.You know you want to come to read her.Come witness the insaneness that is Lizzie's mind.Hahahaha!!!!!

[Driden of Duskblade] - the blah blah blah of this jumbled mess of things...

[leah of lightsword] - Kinda of a Co-Creator helpeds author when she has block or needs ideas, I like poultry.

[Aurora Of Moonblade] - The pyro of the group. Stained glass artist, and too random for her own good.

[ceridwen] - The Nessieness

[rshgngnflgn of vasilica] - the confused, silly one. Aww, he's silly. He is now offically a duck.

[tetsuo] - The Genasi(half elf, half elemental)

[Lizisthebest] - One day...I'll be Optimus Prime..just you wait and see

[maggie the pie] Total DITZ... a bit too outspoken... and well still a maze to figure out.

[chuchutrain] - Yay! *sits waving a flag with a giant "YAY!" on it*


[Saun Of ShadowSword] - I am not klutsy.I just gracefully hit the ground!!! ^_^

[.soldier] - Random guy @_@'.

[black worm] - Black Worm the keeper of the Dragons 

[Christia] - Umm? what'd she just say?

[~*~MLA*07~*~] - The Fashion Guru of the group...No j/k.. im just the one who gets pissed easily.. well sometimes and the one who wants to be understood and took seriously

[SpeedWacer] - The wace of the bunch, spreading love and cynicism to the masses.

[Drummin Maniac] - THE drummer of the bunch

[.ash.] - ...

[Deregan] - The new guy. Ultimate Dragon at your service, but I AM a dragon so I will bite back. Part vamp. too. Don't ask how.

[Morfeaohtarawen] - The forigner, i'm so alone in ohio Hehehe....Ohio is for Lovers...*snicker*

[ababy] - im the winny baby of the alliance. *boooooooooo-hooooooooo*

[Darren M] - im dannys boyfriend and a friend of lydias <-- ^^ he's the coolest gay guy on this wiki!...wait...he's the only one....@$^@.......WOOT go me i'm the COOL gay guy... the rest...suck...okay maybe that was a bad choice of wording...

[Everilde]~Otherwise Known as Larien Elensar.[Go Alliance! Yay!]

[-Living two Lives-]- Joel. He's a loser that can't link his own name. (lol, J/k!)

^They WUB us! ~A.S.
(If i put you in the wrong section I'm sorry, that may be due to the fact that you havent writen for a while, or a mistake on my part)


Stories/Alliance Related

The Alliance Stories Index

Alliance Characters - [Ryo-oki]

people of the alliance

*NEW* Alliance Info *NEW*

A Deeper Look

*NEW*Alliance of Elven Swords Banners*NEW*


Appeared once on the The Wiki Awards!


CREATOR: Lydia Simmons a.k.a [Celeste of Darksword]

PAGE OWNER: "Mr.Kinsey" [Dulce Vita] <---Jerk

PAGE IDIOTS: Lara (the squirrel), Danny, Bek bek, Amfomee Patchit (He does his patchiting when rshgngn messes up), Andrew (he does his rshgn.. wait a minute... what.), Steve (He's the new guy) And Joel (The whackiest guy you'll ever mee, but we love him...)

As you may very well have noticed I'm not on ET all that much anymore. So, if you need to discuss something w/ me (the direction of the Alliance, my story, idk what else, etc), I invite you to email me at -- Dulce Vita

Username (or number or email):


2006-06-09 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Actually, an extended version :)

2006-06-09 [Celeste of Darksword]: *sits in corner to protect her ducky* 

2006-06-09 [tetsuo]: *tackles both ewah and her ducky*.......and ewah if you try to keep him away from me I'll just do what I told you in the email, then he would be pretty useless to you LOL

2006-06-09 [maggie the pie]: *watches Celeste and grabs movie back* Mine! *runs away*

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: *hisses to Tetsuo* MIIIINE! *glomps her ducky* wait....NO! don't take the movie yet!

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: *hides it* Wahhahahaa! I got it.

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: dangit. 

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: *hands it back* Here. Watch it again, cause Eric almost killed me. And I be getting it like in 30 minutes.. so you can start it.

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol. thanks.

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: *jumps in her invisible pool and swims around* Yay. Oh my goodness, we have went swimming everyday at Rock Bluff, but it's awesome. Zip line and all!

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: Eight laps left, Lydia

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: yay, 8 laps!

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: *jumps around and falls out of her invisi pool* Six now!

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: yaaaaaay!

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: *runs to your house* Ok. It's over now!

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: Tony Stewart, the whiner, is only third. Be there shortly.

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol...ok

2006-06-11 [maggie the pie]: I backed out without hitting anything.

2006-06-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: dont you feel special.

2006-06-12 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: 195 posts to go.

2006-06-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, remind him why dont you,

2006-06-12 [Alleria]: wait.. am I in the right place.. ?? Hey Lydia.. I'm a workin on my story.. but I skipped a few pages.. I'm almost done.. hehe.. YAY!! go me!

2006-06-12 [Lizisthebest]: man it sux, I so far lost my previous story...for good maybe :(, and thats one I wanted to continue :(.....but im still working on getting it back (btw im talking about "The End")

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: YAY FOR LARA! finally...

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: wait...Steve lost a story? NO!

2006-06-13 [.ash.]: How did you "think" you lost it?

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: ASHEYNESS! *glomp*

2006-06-13 [.ash.]: *glomps back* Hehe, I'm at work and haven't clocked in yet... I've been here for training (3-7) and was going to work some overtime, but everytime I go to clock in and take some calls, somebody gets on break and I hang out with them. ^.^ I think I'll go clock in and get some overtime after I check out everything on the internet.

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, wow, ADD much? ^^ hehe

2006-06-13 [Driden of Duskblade]: i think i really do have ADD and those of you who know me well(like ee-wah) would know that

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: ....

2006-06-13 [Lizisthebest]: haha, yea it sux that i lost it though....and i think i did kus its on my old harddrive, but since I got that new computer, I gave taht to my friend, and well he gave it back to me after, but it wont work without the second my story right now is sitting in a little harddrive, on my computer shelf, all because i havent gotten to give it to my friend yet....but I need to kus I need that story.....there was like 10 pages added since it was put up....ANYWHERE!!! which sux, kus I cant even just get it again and update....:(

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: >.< well blast you! how many times have i told you to send them to me so ( i can read them) if something like thet happens its safe!? (like once, but really..)

2006-06-13 [Lizisthebest]: haha yea but I didnt see you on msn all that often when i was writing it, and didnt talk to you all when i was writing it....dotn worry though I should get it back rigt away

2006-06-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: ^^ ok. well i wanna read when you get it back ^^

2006-06-14 [Lizisthebest]: of course

2006-06-14 [.ash.]: Pen and paper is much more reliable.

2006-06-14 [maggie the pie]: Unless paper blows away in the wind and the pen explodes.

2006-06-14 [Lizisthebest]: yes but see pen and paper i can write for hour i can write for hours on end and still be able to read it later

2006-06-14 [maggie the pie]: Unless of course you lose it, like you sorta did? But yet you know where it is.

2006-06-14 [Celeste of Darksword]: she kinda has a point for once (*reluctant admitance*)

2006-06-14 [Lizisthebest]: lol yea but see by next week(since im gone till sunday as of tomorrow) I should have it back ^^

2006-06-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: ........nkay.....why is it so quiet around here? havent had anyone randomly post for a couple days....

2006-06-18 [leah of lightsword]: yay! my comment is the 9830th. Woooooooooo!!!!

2006-06-18 [.ash.]: Yay! It's BECKY!

2006-06-18 [Lizisthebest]: hehe well im back....

2006-06-18 [Celeste of Darksword]: YAY! Steve is back! hmm......Hey, we should all stop posting so Dulcey can't get his 10,000th post. ^^ that would be so cruel of us.

2006-06-19 [Lizisthebest]: haha that would be harsh, but nope im back for 2-3 weeks and gone for a month

2006-06-19 [Celeste of Darksword]: WHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-19 [Lizisthebest]: then im going on my vacation

2006-06-19 [Celeste of Darksword]: whyyyyyyy! wheeeeerrreeeee? *pouts*

2006-06-19 [Lizisthebest]: lol around BC, dont worry ill be on once in a while and its only for a bit, its not like ill never return

2006-06-19 [Celeste of Darksword]: *sniffles* well, i hope so. *wide teary eyes*

2006-06-19 [Lizisthebest]: i will i promise

2006-06-19 [Celeste of Darksword]: yay. ^^ good.

2006-06-20 [.ash.]: Wow, BC? Dude, that was a long time ago.

2006-06-20 [Lizisthebest]: lmao!

2006-06-20 [tetsuo]: ewah my orc is cute Im almost done with the banner I might bring it over so you can see and give some input before I put it on here.

2006-06-21 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, goodie. Hey Steve, bring me back a trojan ok?

2006-06-21 [Celeste of Darksword]: (and I mean a guy from Troy not a rubber...)

2006-06-21 [Lizisthebest]: lmao! ill try for both :P I wish I was going to the time of BC....but actually no right bout now id rather go to in the province

2006-06-21 [Celeste of Darksword]:, well jeeeeze...i think you'd have more fun in the time.

2006-06-21 [Lizisthebest]: probably but i wanna go see my friends so i wanna go to the province

2006-06-21 [Lizisthebest]: ill still get u a trojan though....after all my beaver needs protection :P

2006-06-21 [tetsuo]: WOW........this conversation is going downhill like me in a barrel going AHHHHH!..........but yeah,

2006-06-21 [Lizisthebest]: haha how is it going downhill?

2006-06-22 [Celeste of Darksword]: >_< yaaaay! my Canadian getting me protection! (*sweatdrop*)

2006-06-22 [Lizisthebest]: hehe anything for my beaver :P

2006-06-22 [.ash.]: woohoo... ^_^ Yay. and shit like that. I love drinks. Like 151..

2006-06-23 [Lizisthebest]: ....151?

2006-06-23 [tetsuo]: ash you dont need to drink you cling too much to anyone when you do........and its not good.

2006-06-23 [Alleria]: *random comment*

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: thats nice Lara... (and really Steve, that sounds really odd when you think about it.  "anything for my beaver"...hehe)

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: hehe i know i figured it would so i said it :P

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: you and your inuendos. *sigh*  (lol, not that I'm any better)

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: *sigh* tsk tsk me fair lass, but i be having to ask for ye annual pay *winks*.....dont ask im bored and my friend and i are acting like pirates

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: *tries not to laugh* wow... *cough* Avast ye scurvy dog! ye shall never get my booty! *snickers at own pun*

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: arrrh, but ye booty be excatly wut i be needing *snickers as well*

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: Ye would have to be the greatest swashbuckler ever to sail the seas to be worthy of my booty! *tries not to laugh*

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: I be de greatest ye no that, i'm de best wit me shaft, no swashbuckler can match me skill, now gimme ye booty *snickers again*

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: Ye may CLAIM to be a great swashbuckler, but that means not to me. Me needs proof of ye skill before you'll ever lay hands on my precious booty!

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: t'en fights mwauh

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: Me never said anythin' about fighten' now did I? me wants to see ye blade,

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: (oh laughing so much right now) *pulls out blade* T's th's wut ye be look'n fer?

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: eiyyyy, I'Tis, me thinks ye be worthy of me booty, how'd ye like to be my personal cabin boy? *grins* 

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: arr, i d'no, Cap'n Steve j'st has a ring te it

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: there is only one Captain on this ship, and ye be not her. but the job as cabin boy still be open for ye. me havent had a good cabin boy fer years. and with a blade like that, ye'd be worthy of me booty. .. arrr.

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: arr, ye convinced may *jumps over beside u* now let us be leav'n these poor men

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: Ye first task as me cabin boy is to raise mast!

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: *snickers* in thay cap'ns quaters or the actu'l mast? *wink* XP

2006-06-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: ye be a cabin boy arent ye? unless ye wishes to swab the deck....(I am a master of cheesy pirate pickup lines)

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: arr i be see'n ye in ye quat'rs th'n (haha)

2006-06-24 [Lizisthebest]: aww no more pirates?

2006-06-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: LOL! sorry, *cough* I hads to go drop anchor...

2006-06-26 [Lizisthebest]: har har

2006-06-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: (LOL! a pirate laugh!) 

2006-06-26 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...oh god now she's reverting back to the piraty celeste...i mean the johnny depp fan...

2006-06-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: arrr....I be-ith the holder of the greatest booty on the seven seas! and me now has a grand cabin boy as well...arrrr...

2006-06-26 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol

2006-06-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol.  ok, so me and Steve should not be left alone in the wiki, this is proof of that...but....we had fun ne?

2006-06-26 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol...i'm going to italy next summer wanna come with me ee-wah???

2006-06-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...............*glomps*

2006-06-26 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol well actually i'm starting in italy then going to ireland the england then france germany and then alllllllllll the way over to japan^^ i'm gonna be super busy

2006-06-26 [Lizisthebest]: nice yea we shouldnt be left alone together

2006-06-27 [Celeste of Darksword]: *grins to Steve* well, we can tell them that, but....i kinda enjoyed our Pirate conversation.

2006-06-27 [Celeste of Darksword]: aaaaaaaaaaaand, why are you going world travelling?

2006-06-27 [leah of lightsword]: Pirates? Where? Johhny Deepp???? Really!

2006-06-27 [Celeste of Darksword]: *puts on Jack Sparrow costume* well 'ello there miss, I am Captain Jack Sparrow, what say to a kiss darlin'? *grins and wobbles drunkenly*

2006-06-27 [maggie the pie]: *lays back* Eh, I have finally gotten on, man.

2006-06-27 [Driden of Duskblade]: who me?world traveling?... umm... because I can... and cause I want to...

2006-06-27 [maggie the pie]: That sounds cool Danny. Sounds fun.

2006-06-27 [Driden of Duskblade]: yea it does...I soooo can't wait^.^

2006-06-27 [maggie the pie]: Have fun.

2006-06-27 [Driden of Duskblade]: I'm sure I will

2006-06-28 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: 99 more posts...

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: 98

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: 63\

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: 97!

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: u mean 96..and i got 95 :P boy i hope i get 69 *snickers at pun* :P dont ask im bored again

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: wow, hey Steve i thought you were on vacation? *looks up*

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: You beat me to it, I musta posted right after you

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: 94

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Woops, 91

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: So... I think it's time for a little more post-whoring

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: *sighs* you really are pathetic, love.

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: nope im not on vacation for another....10 days.....i move tomorrow....but should have everything set up tomorrow to if not then in 2 days

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I'm beating the tar outta moss giants. They're really not that big...

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Well, did you know that scientific research has been found to be a leading cause of cancer in rats!

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: wait...moving?

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: did you know that I killed my uncle with a porpoise!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Little known truth, the buddha was self-centered!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Better known truth, when you eat celery you burn more calories than you consume!

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: yea, but only to the other end of town, so it will take me like half the day to move and then the other half to get settled in

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: ooohh...ok. i was wondering. >.< you never told me you were moving! you just said you were going on vacation.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: *beats Mr. Pepper* and don't talk about Dulce that way! i deduct a point for that! i've told you not to give away his dirty little secrets!

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: well little known fact Dulce think im sexy :P....oh god i would hope not....*shudders*

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: but no ive been packing and moving some things all day

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Oh... sorry 'bout that.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Really, try not to hand my secrets about.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: 70 percent of virus writers work under contract for organized crime syndicates. - Linux World

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: No president of the United States was an only child.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: 71, wait 70.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Spider monkeys like banana daiquiris.

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Thing about the virus writers were they all worked for Linux based crime organizations.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: guys are trully pathetic. (ok, so Dulcey is trully pathetic)

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Yay, lvl 56 baby. Can't touch this!

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Little known truth: It's not gay if the lights are off, your balls don't touch and you slap eachothers asses and say good game.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Abdul Kassem Ismael, Grand Vizier of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. The 117,000 volumes were carried by 400 camels which were trained to walk in alphabetical order.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: 

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Well, I think thats a truth. Dulce told me that I didn't need to be worried as long as we followed those guidelines.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Yep, I thought that was awesome.

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: to much statistics for me

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Hey, hey now. You can't forget about blowing the whistle, and I mean a Fox 40 whistle.

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: oh right. sorry.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Thai researchers have succeeded in generating electricity from natural gas made from elephant dung. -- Universal Press Syndicate

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: wait....u bastards...i missed out on my 69 :( *cries* jk i dont care

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Shall we get the 10000th post tonight?

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: Its ok Steve, they do this all the time, just ignore them, thats what i do (even if its NOT online) feel lucky, i have to deal with these two in person.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Oo I think we will.

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: It's guess what desease the badly burnt albanian boy has day!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: I do think we will....

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of trees (and can be replaced next season *wink* *wink*).

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: 49 more

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Anthony likes making his lungs bleed.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: The most sensitive finger is the forefinger.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: *glares*

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: It takes 35 to 65 minks to produce the average mink coat. The numbers for other types of fur coats are: beaver - 15; fox - 15 to 25; ermine - 150; chinchilla - 60 to 100.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: What's the glare for?

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: hahah did my beaver have thoughts?

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: DURING mantis "sex" the male makes the ultimate sacrifice. The female eats the head of the male as a nutritious snack.

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Chinchilla coat. never heard of a coat of chinchillas before.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Damn that's gotta hurt.

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Was that glare for me?

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: That's what chinchillas were originally brought to the US before.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: *sits with Steve* yes. Beaver had thoughts...Beaver is feeling nautious >.<

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Sweet, and I thought they were just good deep fried, but I can make coats with them too!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Hummingbirds are the smallest birds - so tiny that one of their enemies is an insect, the praying mantis.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: wow, bad spelling. i dont feel like correcting it.

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: aww dont feel nautious(dont know how to spell that actually)

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: There is an ant in brazil that has a gland which causes the ant to explode like a bomb, spraying a sticky toxic goo on everybody nearby. Now that's some hard core biology!

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: He was talking about beaver skin coats!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away, and warns off intruders or reunites scattered members of the pride.

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: :O!!!!! never speak of that again!!

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: he's going to be at this for a while.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Your dang right I will be.

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Anthony's lungs have now bled just a little more!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: "I am." and "I do." are the shortest complete sentences in the English language.

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: no i meant never speak of Beaver Fur Coats id get killed for trying to harm a beaver

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: In Maine, it's illegal for a police officer to tell you to have a nice day after giving you a traffic ticket.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: *clings to Steve* don't let them skin beaver!

2006-06-29 [Dulce Vita]: Will Clark hit a home run in his first at-bat in college, the Olympics, and the Major Leagues.

2006-06-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: wait, there are stupid enough people to actually choke on ball point pens??

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I'm not wearing any pants!

2006-06-29 [Lizisthebest]: wait wuts the count right now?

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: It's illegal to drive barefooted in florida

2006-06-29 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: 14 to go!

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